The Hotel RIU Palace Jamaica (All Inclusive Adults Only) is located in the northwest of Jamaica, very near Montego Bay, Jamaica, and offers a range of luxury services to its customers with a quiet beach with clear waters and fine sand. This luxurious resort boasts a spectacular setting in Montego Bay. The resort is situated overlooking the shimmering waters of the Caribbean Sea, basking in its picture-perfect setting. The resort is located just a short driving distance away from the town and the airport. Guests will find themselves surrounded by ample opportunities for exploration and discovery. This magnificent resort is sure to impress discerning travellers seeking a truly rejuvenating, invigorating experience. The guest rooms are luxuriously designed, immersing visitors in comfort and style. A wide range of first-class facilities and services ensure that the dining, leisure and entertainment needs of guests are fully catered for, to the highest level of excellence.
Disclaimer: The image shown is for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual hotel room. The room layout, furniture, amenities, and view may vary depending on the availability and location of the hotel.
“Riu Palace foi absolutamente incrível !!!! A comida era deliciosa e eles sempre tinham tantas opções. Eles tinham buffets e 4 restaurantes diferentes para experimentar. Eles colocaram uma propagação espetacular a cada dia. A equipe foi a melhor. Eles nos trataram como família! Eles eram tão agradáveis e atenciosos. Eles se certificou de que estávamos felizes cada minuto que estávamos lá !! Os quartos são lindos! As camas são confortáveis e as vistas eram tudo. Sua tudo incluído, então você só precisa de dinheiro para excursões e lembranças e para derrubar a sua equipe muito educada. Eu definitivamente voltarei muito em breve. Todos os adultos e crianças não são permitidos neste local. Foi uma experiência fantástica.”
— Maria S
Customers review
Overall Wonderful, 4.5
Value 4.4
Location 4.4
Cleanliness 4.7
Comfort 4.5
Neighborhood 4
Amenities 4.4
Condition 4.6
Recomendation 83.9%
Derek Dwyer
Oct 28, 2020
Eu não recomendo este resort. Fui lá para a nossa lua de mel e foi arruinado na primeira noite. Alguém invadiu nosso quarto na primeira noite pela porta de correr. Consegui parar os cavalheiros e chamei a segurança às 4h. A segurança apareceu e resolveu o problema. Fomos informados de que eles nos acompanhariam pela manhã. Às 10h não ouvimos nada, então fui até a recepção e pedi para falar com o gerente e o chefe de segurança. Quando perguntei sobre a situação, eles me perguntaram por que eu não havia relatado ... Eles não tinham ideia. No início, fomos rejeitados, mas depois que insisti para que nosso quarto fosse movido (não atualizado), eles finalmente se dobraram. Eles não lidaram com a situação profissionalmente e arruinaram a nossa estadia. O lugar era bom, um pouco limpo, e a comida era boa; no entanto, a falta de segurança é assustadora.
Maria Bocchetti
Oct 28, 2020
Derek Dwyer
Oct 22, 2020
I don't recommend this resort. Went there for our honeymoon and it was ruined the first night. Someone broke into our room the first night through our sliding door. I was able to stop the gentlemen and called security at 4am. Security showed up and addressed the issue. We were told they would follow up with us in the morning. At 10am we didn't hear anything so I went to the front desk and ask to speak to the manager and head of security. When I asked about the situation, they asked me why I had not reported it... They had no idea. At first, we were brushed off but after I persosiersisted to have our roooom moved (not upgraded) they finally bent. They didn't handle the situation professionally at all and ruined our stay. Place was nice, somewhat clean, and food was alright; however, the lack of security is scary.
Rochelle Blackwood
Oct 07, 2020
Quartos encantadores, grande seleção de comida bonita e simplesmente amei a casa noturna Pacha e o bar de esportes 24 horas no local.
Rochelle Blackwood
Oct 06, 2020
Lovely rooms, great selection of beautiful food and absolutely loved the on-site Pacha night club and 24hr sports bar.
Ashley Clarke
Sep 28, 2020
Olá! Na verdade, eu fiz uma viagem aqui há muuuuito tempo atrás, quando era mais jovem, mas nunca vou esquecer a ótima experiência que tive aqui! Quando chegamos aos nossos quartos, eles estavam lindamente decorados. A comida estava absolutamente incrível. Havia dançarinos nos ensinando a dançar e todos estavam muito felizes. Isso criou uma vibração muito boa para todos lá e chegando. Agora não tenho certeza se vou poder voltar devido ao Covid-19, mas foi uma experiência inesquecível e espero voltar outro dia☺
Ashley Clarke
Sep 13, 2020
Hello! I actually had took a trip here a looong time ago when I was younger but I will never forget the great experience I got here! When we got to our rooms they were decorated so beautifully. The food was absolutely amazing. There were dancers teaching us how to dance and everyone was so happy. It set up a really nice vibe for everyone there and coming in. Now I'm not sure I'll be able to go back due to Covid-19 but it was an unforgettable experience and I hope to come back another day☺
dave lumley
Sep 01, 2020
Great resort great ambience great vibz
Kiran Singh
Mar 28, 2020
Incrível resort com tudo incluído. Adore o fato de termos acesso a todas as 3 propriedades Riu que estão convenientemente próximas uma da outra. A equipe é incrível. A comida é ótima! Adoro o fato de que o bar de esportes Aqua é 24/7 e, na verdade, tem comida adequada, em vez de apenas batatas fritas como outros resorts. Fiquei aqui duas vezes e adorei cada vez.
María Fernanda Del Risco Lopez
Mar 28, 2020
Wow increíble hotel
Kiran Singh
Mar 05, 2020
Amazing all inclusive resort. Love the fact that we had access to all 3 Riu properties which are conveniently right beside each other. Staff is amazing. Food is great! Love the fact that the Aqua sports bar is 24/7 and actually has proper food rather than just chips like other resorts. I have stayed here twice and loved it each time.
Albertomartin Pereyra
Feb 28, 2020
Divino espectacular
Facundo Perez
Dec 28, 2019
Habla hispana en recepción, las playas son artificiales recomiendo ir a A OTRAS PLAYAS
Jorge Borda Bossana
Dec 28, 2019
Me encantó en especial la comida y la atención de todo el personal en general, todos muy amables; falta un poco más de idioma español en general en todo el hotel.
Durell Bushner
Oct 28, 2019
Ótimo hotel. Todo adulto. Simpática equipe. Praia limpa. Eu me senti extremamente seguro neste resort havia guarda de segurança que patrulha o resort e guardas de vida para piscinas nas áreas de praia. Os quartos foram realmente limpos bem. Eu estarei de volta teve um grande momento sendo que esta foi a minha primeira vez na Jamaica ....
Maria S
Oct 28, 2019
Riu Palace foi absolutamente incrível !!!! A comida era deliciosa e eles sempre tinham tantas opções. Eles tinham buffets e 4 restaurantes diferentes para experimentar. Eles colocaram uma propagação espetacular a cada dia. A equipe foi a melhor. Eles nos trataram como família! Eles eram tão agradáveis e atenciosos. Eles se certificou de que estávamos felizes cada minuto que estávamos lá !! Os quartos são lindos! As camas são confortáveis e as vistas eram tudo. Sua tudo incluído, então você só precisa de dinheiro para excursões e lembranças e para derrubar a sua equipe muito educada. Eu definitivamente voltarei muito em breve. Todos os adultos e crianças não são permitidos neste local. Foi uma experiência fantástica.
Emperatriz Lagos
Oct 28, 2019
La comida buena la tencion EXCELENTE.
Romy Arévalo
Oct 28, 2019
Excelente servicio! La atención del personal es sumamente destacable, desde la recepción hasta el equipo de animación muy cordiales y divetidxs. Tuvimos un inconveniente con nuestra GoPro y sin dudarlo la gerente Bea puso a nuestra disposición todos los recursos del hotel para resolverlo. Pasamos unos días hermosos! El hotel, impecable!
Claudio Andres Gajardo Pino
Oct 28, 2019
Muy buena atención y disposición del perso al
Maria S
Oct 28, 2019
Riu palace was absolutely amazing!!!! The food was delicious and they always had so many choices. They had buffets and 4 different restaurants to try. They laid out a spectacular spread every day.The staff was the best. They treated us like family! They were so nice and caring. They made sure we were happy every minute we were there!! The rooms are beautiful! The beds are comfortable and the views were everything.Its all inclusive so you only need money for excursions and souvenirs and for tipping their very polite staff.I will definitely be going back very soon. All adultsno kids allowed at this location.It was a fantastic experience.
Durell Bushner
Oct 28, 2019
Great hotel.All adult. Friendly staff. Clean beach. I felt extremely safe at this resort there were security guard that patrol the resort and life guards for pools the beach areas. Rooms were really clean as well. I will be back had a great time being that this was my first time in Jamaica....
Absolutely awesome
Best vacation ever. The people are so nice and friendly and the food is out of this world. I canât believe we are only staying one week. Rooms were great and cleaned perfectly when we needed and we...
Once again the Riu experience
This was our first stay in Jamaica and as usually we chose the Riu Palace for our holiday. Our experience with Riu has over the years been excellent (apart from a stay in Cuba, which I believe...
Better than sandals
Having a fantastic holiday experience in Jamaica. The hotel was a personal recommendation and it truly is a great place to holiday. The staff are very friendly, go that extra mile and always have a...
Excellent Service
I really enjoyed the stay at the Riu Palace Jamaica! Excellent Service. Very clean. Great employees! Beautiful scenery! Great food! Awesome drinks and entertainment. Transportation to and from the...
Great 5 days
My wife and I were here In November 2021, for 5 days and had a great day. The hotel is a very short drive from the airport, approximately 15 minutes. The entire staff from check-in until check-out...
Good Customer Service
I really appreciate the staff at Riu Palace, the warm and informative reception from Ms. Lovelle and Mr. Rosheed at the front desk was wonderful and Ms. Donna in the restaurant made things great! It...
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